How Can the EMERALD LASER Work for Me?

The unique effects of the 532 nm low level EMERALD LASER on individual fat cells and on collagen make it particularly useful in the treatment of two common disorders of tissue located just under the skin surface:
  • A) localized accumulations of fat in a specific area of the body, and
  • B) improvement in the appearance of cellulite.
Let’s look at how low level EMERALD LASER therapy can help with each of these conditions.

Ten rotating EMERALD LASER beams deliver 67% more laser energy than earlier model green lasers. Six LASER diodes mounted centrally over the midline area and four diodes mounted on two adjustable side arms can be set to conform to any body region. The diodes are positioned over the area to be treated just above the skin surface. As the overlapping beams rotate, LASER energy penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the underlying fat cells. This energy activates a specific intracellular enzyme, cytochrome C oxidase, or CCO. This powerful enzyme works inside the fat cell to:
  • 1) activate the cell’s energy centers, called mitochondria.
  • 2) break down triglycerides (the storage form of fat) into fatty acids and glycerol.
  • 3) create tiny openings, called pores, in the cell membrane
RESULT: Liberated fatty acids and glycerol flow out through these pores into the surrounding tissue fluid and each fat cell shrinks. High resolution electron micrographs of single and multiple fat cells clearly demonstrate this effect, with whole groups of fat cells emptying their contents and shrinking remarkably! YOU LOSE INCHES and the LUMPY SKIN OF CELLULITE BECOMES LESS NOTICEABLE!*




Aided by a brief directional massage, this liberated fat is picked up by the lymphatic (tissue fluid) system and carried to regional lymph nodes, then flows into the circulatory system. 

Each individual treatment session last 30-40 minutes and treatments is completely painless.   

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To date there are no reported adverse effects or complications of treatment.