Most of us are quite familiar with the word LASER, but don’t know exactly how this word originated.  LASER is simply a new word invented from the first letters of the words that describe how the beam of light energy is generated:

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation = LASER

The LASER light beam originates from a specific type of medium called a diode.  When stimulated by an energy source at one end, usually electricity, this oblong diode emits a narrow beam of light from the opposite end.  Importantly, this light beam is made up of a single coherent (uniform) wavelength of light, which varies depending on the material from which the diode is composed.  A flashlight emits a beam of light also, but it contains many different wavelengths of light.  The power of the LASER beam is related to the intensity of the energy source stimulating the diode.  For medical LASERS, power and wave length of the LASER beam determine the specific use for which the LASER device is applicable.
The EMERALD LASER has a wavelength of 532 nanometer (nm) which is within the green, or EMERALD, portion of the color spectrum.  The wave length, along with the power of the light beam, determines the LASER’s:

  • 1. depth of penetration beneath the skin surface
  • 2. effect on each type of body tissue
High intensity LASER beams heat, and often destroy, tissue, whereas the low level LASER (LLL) intensity of the EMERALD LASER does not destroy the tissue it encounters.  Instead, it interacts with each cell, affecting intracellular biologic mechanisms.  This unique property makes the EMERALD LASER ideal for treating subcutaneous (under the skin) human fat cells since its 532 nm wavelength exerts its effect upon tissue up to 2-3 inches beneath the skin surface.  Importantly, it is also the optimum wavelength for absorption by and interaction with collagen fibers under the skin, which is of critical importance for the treatment of cellulite.  Importantly, the degree of pigmentation of the skin does not affect this green LASER beam.  Furthermore, unlike high intensity LASERS with greater power, no adverse side effects of the Low Level EMERALD LASER have been reported! So the Low Level EMERALD LASER is the optimum LASER for targeting fat cells located just beneath the skin and for affecting subcutaneous collagen and cellulite.